Llyfryn Priodas | Wedding Booklet
Gwelwch fy wefan briodas - Gwahoddiadau Heledd Owen
Dyma lyfryn digidol gyda enghreifftiau o fy ngwaith priodas. Gallwch weld mwy o enghreifftiau draw ar Instagram @heleddowenstationery.
Gallwch weld canllaw prisiau yn y llun wedi atodi - dim ond y llyfryn fydd yn cael ei lawrlwytho. Nid oes rhaid i chi dalu £1 - gyrrwch ebost draw atai i post@heleddowen.co.uk a mi allai yrru popeth draw atoch.
Dwi’n mwynhau dylunio gwahoddiadau priodas yn fawr iawn ers blynyddoedd. Mae’n fraint bod yn rhan o ddiwrnod mor arbennig. Mae pob gwahoddiad wedi ei ddylunio gennai, a’r caligraffi gyda llaw. Yn ddiweddar dwi wedi cael Llythrenwasg felly dwi'n cynnig y gwasanaeth (Letterpress).
Gwahoddiad yw’r peth cyntaf fydd pobl yn ei weld cyn dod i’ch priodas. Mae’n rhywbeth y gallwch ei gadw am byth i gofio’r diwrnod, a dwi wir yn coelio ei bod hi werth gwario chydig bach mwy o bres am rywbeth arbennig.
Os y bydd gennych ddiddordeb pellach, cysylltwch a gallwn ddechrau'r sgwrs.
See my wedding stationery website - Heledd Owen Stationery
Here is a digital booklet to show examples of my work. You can find some more examples on my Instagram @heleddowenstationery.
You can also see a price guide in the listing's images - only the booklet will be downloaded. You do not have to pay £1 - simply email me at post@heleddowen.co.uk and I can send everything over.
I have a passion for designing beautiful bespoke wedding stationery. It’s exciting to be part of such a special day. I design all of the stationery myself, and the calligraphy is all hand drawn. I have recently been developing my Letterpress printing skills and am now offering the service.
An invitation is often the first thing people will see before the wedding. It’s something you can keep forever to remember the day and I really believe it’s worth spending that little bit more money for something special.
If you’d like to discuss further just get in touch and we can start the chat.
Heledd x